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The Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society, in collaboration with the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and the Dartmouth Cancer Center, seeks innovative pilot projects that will foster cross-department and campus collaboration to facilitate development of new research programs that will enhance and further develop the combined research and education missions of the department, Institute, and Center. Areas of interest include projects addressing the role, broadly, of energy/energy transition/climate change in microbiology, immunology, infectious diseases and/or cancer and the role of the microbiota in chronic diseases including but not limited to cancer and various auto-immune related disorders. Projects that intersect with ongoing department programs will also be considered but must be sufficiently novel to significantly advance the existing program's breadth of impact. Cross campus collaborations with 3 or more PIs are strongly encouraged as part of the proposed collaborative team. At least one of the lead PIs must be an M&I faculty member. Ideal projects will involve faculty from A&S, Thayer, Tuck, and/or the Dartmouth Cancer Center.
The goal of these awards is to build new cross department and campus collaborations that will intersect with emerging Dartmouth-wide research efforts to build new sustainable research programs at the intersection of health/medicine and energy transitions/climate change.
**IMPORTANT: Interested applicants are expected to first contact Dr. Robert Cramer ASAP to discuss the proposed research and budget needs before they submit an application and no later than November 15, 2024.
Successful applicants will be required to submit a 6-month and final 12-month progress report with plans for leveraging the project for long-term funding and program development. Deadline for proposals: December 15, 2024.
Proposals should contain all of the following elements:
Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee with expertise related to the submitted proposals who will rank applications relative to the criteria described below.
The expected funding date for successful proposals is February 1, 2025.
The most competitive proposals will: