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Transitioning to equitable and sustainable energy systems and ensuring healthy climate futures requires input and collaboration across all sectors and disciplines. The Irving Institute Graduate Energy (IIGE) Fellows program is a multidisciplinary pilot initiative for Dartmouth graduate students who are interested in exploring topics and/or pursuing careers related to energy and climate.
IIGE Fellows build a multidisciplinary community of peers, connect with top energy and climate leaders, and more. The program provides participants with:
The application deadline for 2024-25 has passed. We will share information about applying for the 2025-26 program soon.
Current Dartmouth graduate students from all schools and disciplines of study are welcome and encouraged to apply. You do not need a deep background in energy or climate to be considered for the program. Previous knowledge and/or experience in energy and climate is desired but not required for acceptance.
IIGE Fellows should:
Before applying, we strongly recommend you discuss this opportunity with your PI or program advisor/s to make sure the IIGE Fellows program is a good fit for you at this stage of your graduate studies.
Please reach out with questions to: Dr. Megan Litwhiler, Manager of Academic Initiatives, Irving Institute