Evelyn Hatem '24




Evelyn Hatem '24
Evelyn Hatem

Powering a Sustainable Future

For Evelyn Hatem '24, growing up in Bow, New Hampshire, fostered an early appreciation for the environment and the importance of sustainable energy. This connection to nature and interest in sustainability led her to pursue an Environmental Studies major at Dartmouth, where she found numerous opportunities to explore the world of energy systems and policy.

"I've been following the Irving Institute's work since they began a few years ago," Evelyn explains. Her engagement with the Institute began early in her Dartmouth career, participating in the first iteration of TuckLAB: Energy and the Electricity Grids and Markets Bootcamp. These experiences laid the foundation for her deep dive into energy and sustainability issues.

Broadening Horizons


A group of students at the MIT energy conference
Evelyn and fellow Dartmouth students at the 2024 MIT Energy Conference

One of the highlights of Evelyn's Dartmouth experience was attending the MIT Energy Conference. "It was a great capstone to my studies on energy," she reflects. "I learned about the challenges of distributed energy resources, as well as how policy can better support the energy transition." This conference not only expanded her knowledge but also helped shape her vision for the future of energy systems.

Evelyn's involvement with the Irving Institute extended beyond conferences. She speaks highly of her experiences with the Institute's mentorship program and educational offerings. "I've learned a lot from meetings with my Irving Board Member mentor, Stina Brock, and from the Clean Energy Finance Bootcamp," she says. These interactions provided her with valuable insights into the practical aspects of the energy industry and finance.

Looking to the Future

As Evelyn prepares for her next steps, she carries with her a wealth of knowledge and experiences gained at Dartmouth. Her journey through the Environmental Studies program, coupled with her engagement with the Irving Institute, has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the energy sector.

Finding Your Path

For incoming first-year students seeking to find their community at Dartmouth, Evelyn offers a piece of wisdom: "Lead with curiosity," she says. "Both in personal and professional lives, conversations are a lot more fun if you're speaking about something that piques each others' interest. We can chat about majors and careers all day, but it's also worthwhile to hear about the new story, idea, or activity on someone's mind."

Evelyn's Dartmouth experience was shaped by engaging courses and inspiring professors. She particularly enjoyed "Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics" with Professor Rich Howarth and "Future of Energy Systems" with Steve Peterson. These courses not only deepened her understanding of environmental and energy issues but also inspired her to think critically about sustainable solutions for the future.

As Evelyn concludes her time at Dartmouth, her story serves as an inspiration for future students interested in environmental studies and sustainable energy. Her journey demonstrates the power of curiosity, engagement, and a commitment to sustainability in shaping a meaningful college experience and laying the groundwork for an impactful career in the energy sector.