Project Abstract
This project aims to: 1) create a service learning experience focused on energy justice for Dartmouth students, 2) provide valuable services to community partners, and 3) contribute to the growth of critical social science curriculum on energy at Dartmouth. Energy justice is a growing field of scholarly research and a focal point of community activism around the world. Concretely, we propose to create an energy justice clinic at Dartmouth College and integrate community-based learning with two linked justice-oriented courses offered by the Anthropology Department and cross-listing department(s). We will build off a popular course in its fourth year, Environmental Justice, and develop a new course: Energy Justice. The clinic will involve students from the two classes, allowing for continuity across two terms, as well as allowing for some extracurricular participation. This design will allow us to create continuity in the Energy Justice Clinic as well as increase student participation in the new course offering.