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We recognize the need for and are committed to a sustainable climate and the transition to a global clean energy economy. We will help to catalyze the rapid creation and deployment of affordable, reliable, and equitable energy systems that will protect the health and safety of all individuals while improving standards of living. This transition includes eliminating reliance on fossil fuels. Where they must be used during the transition, we work to decarbonize their processes and to address their climate and societal impact.
We bring together the knowledge and perspectives of parties and experts who collectively represent a diversity of backgrounds and who are committed to a clean energy transition. We engage communities, especially those bearing the greatest burdens of climate change, in formulating site- and culturally specific solutions to the complex challenges of our energy transitions. We engage communities who are affected by the climate crisis in formulating solutions to the complex challenges of our energy transition.
In pursuing discovery and envisioning solutions, we adhere to Dartmouth's high standards of ethics, independence, and academic freedom. No benefactor can direct our research or interfere with the academic independence of any Dartmouth faculty member or researcher.
Our world's energy and society challenges are far too complex to attempt to address through a single discipline. We leverage Dartmouth's diverse capabilities in liberal arts and science, engineering, business, and medicine to advance basic research, innovation, and applied solutions.
We are committed to helping Dartmouth develop the next generation of energy leaders, experts, and citizens — on and off-campus — in the energy and society approach to preparing them to create and enact just and sustainable climate solutions. We train students how to conduct ethical research in partnership with communities, locally and globally. We provide every Dartmouth student with unsurpassed opportunities to learn about and to contribute to improving our energy and climate future. And we welcome student input and collaboration on the Institute's programming and direction.