Solar Installations, Efficiency Projects Reduce Campus Fuel Oil Consumption
Dartmouth's Engineering Team has been hard as work on both bringing renewable energy to the campus and on reducing energy demand through efficiency projects.
[more]Dartmouth's Engineering Team has been hard as work on both bringing renewable energy to the campus and on reducing energy demand through efficiency projects.
[more]On March 15, 2018, Green Mountain Power President and CEO Mary Powell and Dartmouth College Professor Elizabeth Wilson headlined the "Women in Conservation" program.
[more]Elizabeth Wilson, a leading scholar who works at the intersection of energy, technology, law, business, and policy, has been appointed the inaugural director of the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society.
[more]On January 20, Dartmouth held a discussion of the implications of the Trump administration for energy and environmental issues.
[more]On October 14, Dan Reicher '79 gave the first lecture as part of a series sponsored by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society. Reicher talked about the relationship between technology, economics, and policy and how all three come into play in trying to create clean energy in an era of climate change.