Student Grant Program

Funding for student research, projects, internships, training, and more!

The Irving Institute offers grants up to $6,000 for enrolled undergraduate and graduate students who are advancing the Institute's mission of transforming humankind's understanding of energy issues, and driving the creation of ideas, technologies, and policies that improve the availability and efficient use of energy for all people. The purposes of the program are to: 

  • Support student initiative in energy, climate, and society
  • Foster learning through experience
  • Inspire creativity, and 
  • Directly involve students in accelerating transitions toward socially and environmentally sustainable energy futures

The Institute funds Dartmouth student energy projects and experiences on a rolling basis, with priority deadlines set for fall, winter, spring, and summer terms. Learn more and apply here. 

Student Grantee Video Contest

Calling all Irving Institute student grant recipients!
Share your journey and impact with the world in our social media video contest! 

Win up to $300 by submitting a video showcasing your unique journey and the difference the Irving Institute grant has made in your life.

Submissions due April 2, 2025.

Learn more!